I need to research Savannah Georgia Religion and churches ( role and influences in community)
For articles, journals, ebooks and printed books and information in the roles and influences of religions in Savannah Georgia, please go to the Library's home page at https://www.limestone.edu/library and search our One Search online catalog (located in the center of the page).
Here are some suggested search terms:
Religion and Savannah Georgia
Catholic Church and Savannah Georgia
Baptist churches and Savannah Georgia
History of Savannah Georgia
Rural churches and Savannah Georgia
You can also limit your search results by Full Text, Scholarly (Peer Reviewed journals) and Publication date (listed under Limit To in the left-hand link bar).
You can also visit our our Religion Subject Library Guide at http://libguides.limestone.edu/aecontent.php?pid=405856&sid=3321612 for a list of specific databases to search.
From off-campus you will need to login with your Limestone email username and password (same information to access The Halo and Canvas).
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