To address this topic, you need to search our library research databases. To get there, go to A to Z Databases.
For your topic, I would search in the following databases:
Social Sciences Full Text
SOCIndex with Full Text
Academic Search Complete
Academic One File
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text
Some search terms you may want to try are:
abortion AND parental consent AND law
abortion AND parental involvement
Use different variations or search words with synonyms. Substitute some of the search words with synonyms (for example parental consent, parental notification, parental involvement, etc.)
You may also want to explore our databases by Subject (see tab at the top next to the A-Z list). Additionally, I would recommend that you view our Library Guides your Subject area and your course guide if available (most of our guides are course specific). The guide will list subject relevant library resources.
These other resources may include our e-book collection
Let us know if you need additional help.
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