I have the following instruction for one of my classes: "Watch film on Langston Hughes in Films on Demand and I can not locate it.
To search in the Films on Demand database go to: http://libguides.limestone.edu/alldatabases and select the tab “F.” Locate the link for Films on Demand in the list. You can search for Langston Hughes in the search box located on the main page. If you know the specific video title you may search by title. A quick search for “Langston Hughes” resulted in the following titles:
Langston Hughes: Working Toward Salvation
Langston Hughes: His Life and Times
Langston Hughes: Salvation
Hughes’ Dream Harlem
Hughes, Hopkins, Cavendish, and Plath
You will be prompted to log in with your Limestone email username and password if you are accessing Films on Demand from office campus.
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