To find resources for your topic go to the Library's One Search online catalog. You would want to try different search terms such as:
school and violence or school violence
NOTE: It would be helpful if you also were more specific - what about school violence that interests you? Impact? Policy? Safety? Add these additional terms to your search if you are interested in those topics to do with school violence.
In your search results page, look in the left-hand column you and you will find many more limiters that will enable you to limit your search results to only academic journals, books, ebooks, reviews, and more. You can also use the date limiters to narrow your result list.
Additional databases you may want to look at:
Gale's Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Points of View Reference Center
(to go to these database, click on the Research Databases link on the library homepage and search alphabetically for the databases)
From off-campus you may be prompted to login with your Limestone email username and password.
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