Answered By: Web Services Last Updated: May 26, 2022 Views: 43
The library has many resources to assist you with your topic:
- "quantitative and qualitative journals" and
- "Does ethnicity have a role in childhood obesity, if so how can health and balance be implemented to decrease obesity in children?”
We suggest searching our Journal Search feature. Use the following search terms to locate journals on obesity and children:
- obesity
- pediatric obesity
- Journal of Obesity
Once you select the journal title, you will be directed to a listing of databases where you can find quantitative and qualitative journals on your topic. You can search the entire journal or select an individual database. For instance, if you select the Journal of Obesity and select one of the following databases: Gale Nursing Resource Center, Health and Wellness Resource Center, or Health Reference Center Academic, you can limit your articles to either quantitative or qualitative by using the Advanced Search link. Use either of the following search terms in the advanced section of the database:
- obesity AND qualitative
- obesity AND pediatric AND qualitative
- obesity AND quantitative
- obesity AND pediatric AND quantitative
You could also search our CINAHL Complete database at Look for Clinical Queries (scroll down the page) where you will find both qualitative and quantitative limiters.
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