im tring to find something on kids getting their vaccine shots. and why some parents dont want their kids getting them


To obtain information on the subject of juvenile vaccinations and parent issues please visit the library databases at .  Select the letter "C" and scroll down until you  see CINAHL Plus Full Text and select this link.  You will need to use the limiters to retrieve full text or and peer-reviewed articles.  Try using search terms like:  vaccinations and parent views.

The Library also has a great collection of ebooks (electronic books) available in this subject area.  To access the ebooks please select and select the Springer ebook link.

To access these resources from off-campus you will need to login with your Limestone username and password.  This is the same information you use to access your Limestone email and the LCPortal.

  • Last Updated Nov 05, 2024
  • Views 71
  • Answered By Web Services

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