Why can't I view an article that I found in the library databases?


There are several reasons you may not be able to view an article from the library databases: 

  • Workplace firewall. If you are at work, your network may have a firewall setting that prevents you from viewing some of our library content. Try viewing the content at home. 
  • Login issue. Did you remember to login using your Limestone University information? This is the same information you use to login to Canvas, Limestone University email, and The Halo.
  • Browser issue. Sometimes a certain browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) will have an issue with downloading our content. Try clearing your browser cookies or try a different browser. 
  • Article not available. The library databases will sometimes provide you with the citation information for an article, but the library doesn't have access to the full-text of the article. In this case there are several options: 1. If you see a "Full-text Access" button click on it to see if we have the article full-text in a different database. 2. Try searching for the article on Google Scholar. 3. Request the article using our Library Loan form (see link below).
  • Last Updated Jun 05, 2024
  • Views 50
  • Answered By Web Services

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